A Taste of South Dakota


On our mission to taste wines from throughout the country, our first stop was in the Black Hills of South Dakota. As a colder climate that isn’t particularly conducive to vinifera grape-growing, our experiences found that wines produced from hybrid grapes and fruit were most prevalent, with some vinifera varieties produced using mostly fruit grown in other regions. Our…

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We are now officially almost three weeks into our travels and it alternately seems like we left yesterday and six months ago. There has definitely been a bit of adjusting to our new lifestyle- everything from learning how to sleep with a large 95-pound furry bed hog in a queen-sized bed to figuring out how to…

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The Final Countdown


The day that we have been dreaming of, talking about, and planning for over the past eight months is almost here. In five days, on Tuesday, September 6th, we will be climbing into the truck and driving forward into our new life. Even though we are only a week away, it doesn’t seem real. For the last two weeks,…

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