Sometimes It’s About the Journey and the Destination

Moving is hard. It can be exciting, stressful, exhausting, and scary, sometimes all in the span of a few hours. Moves are frequently made to be closer to family or related to a job; and for lack of a better descriptor are predestined. We usually move because we have to, not because we want to.…

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The Final Countdown


The day that we have been dreaming of, talking about, and planning for over the past eight months is almost here. In five days, on Tuesday, September 6th, we will be climbing into the truck and driving forward into our new life. Even though we are only a week away, it doesn’t seem real. For the last two weeks,…

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Mile 0

Have you ever had one those mornings when you pop out of bed and just know that something is different? Whether it’s triggered by the way you feel, the sound of passing cars being slightly different than usual, or the sun hitting your bed just a degree or two off from what you’re expecting- something is different.…

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