Sign Seeker: Driftwood Motel, Denver, CO

The Driftwood Motel sits just off Denver’s Colfax Ave/US Highway 40, “the longest, wickedest street in America”. It looked like a pretty hopping place in the 60s based on postcards; however, we are unable to find any other history, with the exception of the less than stellar more recent happenings of explosion and barricade situations.

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Ride Like the Wind: On the California Zephyr to Denver

The third and final portion of our train trip was aboard the California Zephyr, traveling from the Bay Area to the Mile High City. In case you missed the earlier part of our train travels, you can catch up with our ride on the Southwest Chief in Hail to the Southwest Chief: All Aboard for…

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98% Excited, 2% Scared


As we get older, birthdays and holidays lose some of the excitement that made us unable to sleep and filled our stomachs with rumbles of anticipation in our younger years. Thankfully, there are still some occasions when we get the opportunity to relive that jumbled emotional blend of anticipation, nervousness, and excitement. For us, that day was June 3rd, the day that we finally…

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Airstream Dreamin’

Obviously, one of the key parts of making this traveling dream a reality is to actually get an Airstream. After many, many months of devouring every picture and video we could find online (maybe almost obsessively so), we headed to Denver to celebrate Jen’s 40th birthday in February and had the opportunity to physically see and explore some…

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