The Figeac Principle

If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that we love hitting the open road and exploring the more remote areas and two-lane highways throughout the country. No matter how much we think we want to settle someplace and get into our routine, we suffer from a bit of wanderlust. The lure of…

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A Taste of New Mexico


We love New Mexico and always look forward to spending time in the Land of Enchantment. In late March, we were honored to have been invited to present at the New Mexico Wine & Grape Growers Association annual conference in Las Cruces. As a region of the state that we had never visited, we were excited to have…

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A Taste of Wisconsin

When you think about Wisconsin, the first things that come to mind are typically beer and cheese. And while the state is famous for producing both, it is also home to more than 100 wineries spread throughout five different regions. As we were staying in Ephraim at the northern end of the Door Peninsula, our…

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A Taste of South Dakota


On our mission to taste wines from throughout the country, our first stop was in the Black Hills of South Dakota. As a colder climate that isn’t particularly conducive to vinifera grape-growing, our experiences found that wines produced from hybrid grapes and fruit were most prevalent, with some vinifera varieties produced using mostly fruit grown in other regions. Our…

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Why Are We Visiting Wineries?

For the past seven to twenty years (depending on which one of us you ask), our lives have been consumed mostly by wine. Don’t get us wrong, we have loved it- even on the days when it’s 95 degrees and you’re using hands, shovel, or anything you can find to move Sauvignon Blanc grapes aside…

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