Here It Is: Route 66 in Arizona

Some of the most beautiful stretches of Route 66 lie within Arizona’s borders. With more than 250 miles of the route still drivable, the Grand Canyon State lays claim to the longest unbroken stretch of accessible original road- 158 miles running from Ash Fork to Topock at the California border. Arizona also has the distinction…

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Get Your Sniffs: Finley’s Travels on Route 66

For more than a decade, we’d dreamed of getting our kicks on Route 66. With a month set aside to follow our dreams and travel the route last fall, we couldn’t imagine taking the trip without our dog, Finley. Over the last two years, Finley has traveled more than 20,000 miles through 36 states with us,…

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Tin Sheets on 66 Pics: Holbrook, AZ to Santa Monica, CA

The final stretch of Route 66 takes you up through the mountains and down into the desert before finding its end at the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica, CA. Much of the older alignment can still be traveled in this section, including almost 160 uninterrupted miles through Arizona, and many of the long ago popular…

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