Two-Lane Tidbit: Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Conejos, CO

Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Conejos is the oldest church in Colorado. It is rumored that Spanish pioneers traveling through the area were forced to come to a stop here when one of their mules refused to move, despite many attempts. During the stop, a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe was found in…

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Land Cruiser 2.0: The Sequel

If you’ve been following our adventures over the last year (holy cow, it’s already been a year?), you know that we like cars. Maybe too much. It’s not that we enjoy buying cars, it’s just that we’re constantly trying to find the right one. Call us Goldishocks (see what we did there), if you like.…

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Regular or Decaf: How a cup of coffee changed my perspective on travel

Travel is broadening. This is a trope that is discussed over and over when people talk about travel. “Expand your horizons”, “meet new people”, “learn new things”, they say. Nothing truly highlighted for me how broadening travel can be than when Jen and I were recently working on some blog posts together. Reading through Jen’s recent…

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My FJ60 or: How I Learned to Stop Fearing Breakdowns and Love the Car

American car culture is a big deal. How many movies, TV series, and car commercials try to tap this dream? Hundreds? Thousands? Take for example the current State Farm ad: Now my goal here is not to discuss car culture (I am saving that for a future post), but to address first car experiences. How many…

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Possession Solved: The Power of Customer Service Compels You

Given the nature of this post, I found it necessary to start with the updates that I had posted at the end of the previous post – so here they are: UPDATE 6.21.16: So we took the truck back in yesterday morning after an “eventful weekend”. We decided that the issue was small enough that we would be safe…

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It May Be Possessed…

Okay, so we have had a pretty weird little issue with our truck. Thus far, we have driven the truck for 1500 miles without any problems; however, driving home from work a few weeks ago we were suddenly being pulled left over and over again – maybe 30 times in 15 miles. The next morning I decided to give it a quick…

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Power To-Go: How to Power an Airstream?

As I begin writing this post, I just want to throw out that I am fully prepared for this to be the most boring post ever written by man, and read by exactly no one..or maybe at least a friend. So here goes, if you make it through, please comment about your survival as you’ve earned the right to…

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The Great Truck Debate


Okay – so this is a bit of a new thing for me, I am not exactly what one would call a stellar writer, but since we are going to launch this site and try to write engaging content I figure I am now officially on the hook. So, for a first stab I figured I would…

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