The Long, Long, Too Long Trailer

Rt 66- Famous Wigman Motel(2), Holbrook, AZ

Having owned a business and worked together every day since before we were married in 2010, the thought of hitting the road and living in less than 300 square feet never gave us even a moment of pause. It’s almost funny how frequently before, during, and since returning home we’ve heard, “are you guys still…

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The Final Countdown


The day that we have been dreaming of, talking about, and planning for over the past eight months is almost here. In five days, on Tuesday, September 6th, we will be climbing into the truck and driving forward into our new life. Even though we are only a week away, it doesn’t seem real. For the last two weeks,…

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Million Dollar (Highway) Anniversary

Although tin is the traditional tenth wedding anniversary gift, we decided that it would be perfect for our sixth. Despite the last days of the winery rapidly approaching and us as busy as ever getting the final details handled, we were able to sneak away to Durango for a “test” weekend in the Airstream a few weeks ago. To…

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98% Excited, 2% Scared


As we get older, birthdays and holidays lose some of the excitement that made us unable to sleep and filled our stomachs with rumbles of anticipation in our younger years. Thankfully, there are still some occasions when we get the opportunity to relive that jumbled emotional blend of anticipation, nervousness, and excitement. For us, that day was June 3rd, the day that we finally…

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Airstream Dreamin’

Obviously, one of the key parts of making this traveling dream a reality is to actually get an Airstream. After many, many months of devouring every picture and video we could find online (maybe almost obsessively so), we headed to Denver to celebrate Jen’s 40th birthday in February and had the opportunity to physically see and explore some…

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