Donut Digest: Bizmallow Caramel- Amy’s Donuts, Colorado Springs, CO

Donuts, donuts everywhere! While there actually aren’t donuts everywhere (we can dream though…), our move to Colorado Springs certainly felt like we’d stumbled into the magical land of donuts. In Grand Junction, we had a great go-to for our donut cravings at the locally-owned Home Style Bakery; but sadly, they were closed on Sunday and Monday, so we…

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Donut Digest: Pumpkin Donut- Dunkin’ Donuts, Littleton, NH


This is an excerpt taken from our Donuts, Descents, & Drives: 3 Days in New Hampshire post. While it does not include specific tasting notes, as the other reviews in the Donut Digest do, it still provides a review of a great standby in the wide world of donuts. We know, we know, we’ve been preaching…

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Donut Digest: Churro Donut- Tourist Home, Flagstaff, AZ

Donuts are this girl’s best friend. I can’t identify when my love of donuts began, but one of my fondest childhood memories involves time spent visiting my dad and the trips that we took to Ye Olde Donut Shoppe just up the road from his house. I can’t remember what the inside looked like or if it…

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