Our Favorite Pet-Friendly Roadside Motels

Once upon a time, city streets were lined with the bright and flashy neon of motel signs. The bigger and more elaborate the sign, the more likely the chance of catching the attention of the passing traveler. Sadly, many of these roadside motels and their neon signs have been left to deteriorate, met with the…

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Finley’s Road Trip: Stop and Sniff- Part 3

For my final installment of the best places to stop and sniff from our trip with Stan the Airstream, I decided to focus on the best photo opportunities. You know you’re cute, now work it and pose in these fun and quirky places to make your people happy. So happy that they’ll post it on Instagram,…

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We are now officially almost three weeks into our travels and it alternately seems like we left yesterday and six months ago. There has definitely been a bit of adjusting to our new lifestyle- everything from learning how to sleep with a large 95-pound furry bed hog in a queen-sized bed to figuring out how to…

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