Two-Lane Tidbit: Mexican Canyon Railroad Trestle, Cloudcroft, NM
September 5, 2022

Near Cloudcroft, NM is the Mexican Canyon Trestle, a portion of the former Alamogordo and Sacramento Mountain Railway. Constructed in 1899 and in use until 1947, it stands 52 over the valley floor, runs 323 feet in length, and was one of 58 trestles built on a 32-mile track from Alamogordo to numerous timber areas in the mountains, before being repurposed to transport tourists. The trestle can be viewed from an overlook on US Highway 82 or you can hike into it (like we did) on the Old Cloudcroft Highway Trail Loop. You can’t access the trestle, but you can hike right up to the edge and imagine what it would have been like to travel through this area back in the day.